What's on at EFT?
Courses at Education Futures Trust
If you are interested in booking any of the courses listed below or would like to make an enquiry, please email office@educationfuturestrust.org or call 01424 722241, ir visit our eequ page where you can view and book online - https://eequ.org/educationfuturestrust.
Courses which are currently running are regularly advertised on our social media pages.
Free adult courses:
Men's Cookery
Come and learn some useful tips for everyday cooking, where we’ll be covering recipes, budgeting and food planning. This will be a welcoming environment for men of all backgrounds and ages 19+. ​​
New course dates
Tuesdays 29/04/25 - 13/05/25, 1-3.30pm
Book now - https://eequ.org/experience/8359
Improving English
Come along and improve your English through engagement with British culture, art and history. The sessions will focus on conversational English in a safe, engaging and wellbeing rich environment. For Refugee / Migrant community clients requiring support to improve language skills and wellbeing.​
Wednesdays 26/02/24 – 02/04/25, 2:30 – 4 pm @Hastings Museum & Art Gallery, Hastings, TN34 1ET
New term dates
Thursdays 24/04/25 - 22/05/25, 2.30 - 4pm
Book now - https://eequ.org/experience/11967​​
Nature Craft
Spend an afternoon enhancing your well-being at one of our nature craft workshops. You'll make bath salts, bath bombs and sugar scrubs at our aromatherapy workshop, and working with leaves, shells and flowers at our printing with nature workshop. Please only sign up to one. ​​
Printing with Nature Workshop
Friday 28th March, 12.30 - 2.30pm
@ Community Learning Centre, 464 Bexhill Rd, St. Leonard's-on-Sea TN38 8AU​
Mum's Fit
Come along to these weekly sessions where you'll learn to use kettle bells and body weight to get fit, whilst your little ones get looked after by a staff member.
Tuesdays 22/4/25- 20/5/25, 9.30-10.30am
@The MUGA, The Firs, Elphinstone Road, Hastings, TN34 2AX
Book now - https://eequ.org/experience/8354
Without Walls (Tuesdays)
Come along to this popular outdoor course where you'll meet new people, learn a range of practical skills for working outdoors and increase your wellbeing. ​​​There will be no sessions w/c 12th May.
Tuesdays 22/4, 29/04, 06/05, 20/05, 9.30am-12.30pm
@The Firs, Elphinstone Road, Hastings, TN34 2AX
Book now by clicking here. ​​​​
Plumpton College
Plumpton College runs a City and Guilds Level 2 Qualification in Horticulture and Estate Skills at The Firs in Hastings. The course is designed to introduce learners to the land-based sector and highlight the impact a role in conservation and management has on our natural environment.
You must be 19+ to do this course and it's free to anyone who is unemployed and in receipt of benefits or on a low income (£20,319 or less per year).
Tuesdays, 10am-3pm
Click here for more information and to sign up.
Taste of Food
Are you struggling with what to cook for the family and would like to learn some new skills and gain some new ideas? Join one of our 3-hour courses and learn how to make seasonal soups and bread. For adults 19+. ​​​​
Thursday 27/03/25, 9.30-12.30pm.
@ The Firs, Elphinstone Road, TN34 2AX
Book now -https://eequ.org/book/taste-of-food-with-education-futures-trust-12708
DIY for Beginners
​Learn everyday DIY in a supportive environment and build confidence in using tools. Meet new people, whilst working outside and get to ask your DIY questions. For local adults 19+.
Thursdays 27/02/25 - 03/04/25
10am – 12pm
@ The Firs, Elphinstone Road, TN34 2AX
New course dates
​24/04, 01/05, 22/05, 29/05 - 9.30am - 12pm
@ The Firs, Elphinstone Road, TN34 2AX
Book now - https://eequ.org/book/diy-for-beginners-with-education-futures-trust-6287
Understanding Autism
This FREE course for parents and carers in Hastings, with autistic children up to 12 years old, will:
enchance your knowledge and understanding of autism
increase your confidence so you can best help your child
provide some strategies that will make a positive difference to your child
Fridays 02/05/25 - 23/05/25, 9:30am-12:30pm @The Firs, Elphinstone road, Hastings, TN34 2AX
Book now - https://eequ.org/experience/10780​​
Mum's Buggy Club
Join us with your baby and buggy or sling, for a walk, a workout, a cuppa and a chat. Improve your physical and mental wellbeing, whilst socialising with other mums. ​
Thursdays 24/4/25- 22/5/25, 9.30-11.30am
@ Alexandra Park, Hastings
Book now - https://eequ.org/book/mums-buggy-club-with-education-futures-trust-14469 ​​​​​
Without Walls (Wednesdays)
Come along to this popular outdoor course where you'll meet new people, learn a range of practical skills for working outdoors and increase your wellbeing. ​​​There will be no sessions w/c 12th May.
Wednesdays 23/04, 30/04, 07/05, 21/05, 9.30am - 12.30pm
@ Shornden Meadow, Alexandra Park
Book now by clicking here. ​​​​
Free activities for families:
Tiny Talkers: Language through Play
Join us for a play based approach to developing early Language and Communications skills. Play based learning through fun messy and physical activity. Wear messy clothes.
New term dates
Wednesdays 23/04/25 - 21/05/25, 10-11.30am, @ Community Learning Centre, 464 Bexhill Rd, St. Leonard's-on-Sea TN38 8AU​
Book now - https://eequ.org/book/tiny-talkers-language-through-play-with-education-futures-trust-12156​​​​​​​​​​​​
Spring Crafts & Fun
Join us for a fun-filled session of seasonal crafts and activities, perfect for the whole family. This FREE session is open to parents and carers with children aged 0-11 years.​
Wednesday 9th April, 10am - 12pm
​@ Community Learning Centre, 464 Bexhill Rd, St. Leonard's-on-Sea TN38 8AU
Book now. ​​
Tales from the Tipi (St Leonards)
Come and explore how your child learns to read. Storytelling, phonics, crafts & fun! For parents/carers and grandparents with children under 5. ​​​​​​​​​
New term dates
Thursdays 24/04/25 - 22/05/25, 10-11.30am
@EFT Community Learning Centre, 464 Bexhill Rd, St Leonards on sea, TN38 8AU.
Book here - https://eequ.org/experience/12202​​
Forest Fun
Delve into an adventure of mud, stories, songs and crafts, encouraging sensory and exploratory play in our Secret Garden. For children 0-5 years. FREE.
Fridays 25/04/25 - 23/05/25, 10 - 11.30am​
@The Secret Garden, The Firs, Elphinstone Road, Hastings, TN34 2AX​
Book here - https://eequ.org/experience/10135​​​​
Free activities for children:
Holiday Activities and Food
In the Easter and Summer school holidays, we'll be running our holiday activities and food provision, funded by East Sussex, for 5 - 16 year olds. This includes forest school, sport, craft and art, and a fun and healthy lunch. ​
Register your interest here -https://eequ.org/book/easter-holiday-activities-and-food-with-education-futures-trust-13123 ​
L.E.F.T. Field Youth Group
Aged 12-16? Want to have fun, learn new skills, and meet new people? Come along to our new weekly youth group. Take part in forest school, food, fire and fun as well as art and cooking. ​​
Thursdays 4-5.30pm
@The Firs, Elphinstone Road, TN34 2AX​
Sign up to the weekly group here -
* The UK Shared Prosperity Fund is a central pillar of the UK government’s Levelling Up agenda and provides £2.6 billion of funding for local investment by March 2025. The Fund aims to improve pride in place and increase life chances across the UK investing in communities and place, supporting local business, and people and skills. For more information, visit https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/uk-shared-prosperity-fund-prospectus .
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