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Education Futures Trust wins photo competition!


Little boy looking through a magnifying glass
Winning photo - credit Sophie Nuthall

We are delighted to have been named as one of the four winners of Sussex Community Foundations first photo competition.

To celebrate Sussex Day, Sussex Community Foundation ran a photo competition to help highlight all of the crucial work that small local charities are doing across the county. We won the 'Reaching Potential' category which aims to build people’s skills, confidence and life opportunities. The photo was taken at one of our Forest Fun sessions, which offers a range of outdoor activities, storytelling and crafts for little ones to explore and have fun.

The photo, taken by participant Sophie Nuthall captures her son looking through a magnifying glass. It perfectly captures the essence of the Forest Fun course, encouraging children to become confident to explore and learn about the world around them.

As well as the honour of winning this competition, we also won £150 which will go towards us delivering more sessions in the future, like the one in the photo.

Well done to all of the other winners, Sussex Green Living, Soundcastle and Horsham Matters who all do amazing work in our county.




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